Neu in der Bibliothek: Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West

Neu in der Bibliothek: Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West


Titel: Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West
Verlag: The Boydell Press
Erschienen in: Woodbridge
Herausgeber: Guy Halsall
Jahr: 1998
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 0-85115-849-8
Im Bestand: Mela Eckenfels
Standortnummer: Rechercheregal
Link: Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West (Amazon Affiliate Link)

The ‚violence‘ of the life in the middle ages ist nowadays both taken for granted and little understood. The essays in this collection all suggest or explore reasons why violent acts might have been perpetrated and attempt to understand the social priorities which governed such acts. Broadly, the study clarify issues relating to the creation of political identities and the establishment of social order, and cover matters of administration, religious ritual, and gender.

The 'violence' of the life in the middle ages is nowadays both taken for granted and little understood. The essays in this collection all suggest or explore reasons why violent acts might have been perpetrated and attempt to understand the social priorities which governed such acts. Broadly, the study clarify issues relating to the creation of political identities and the establishment of social order, and cover matters of administration, religious ritual, and gender.
Backcover: Violence and Society in the Early Medieval West

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Mela Eckenfels

... verdient ihre Brötchen vor allem mit (Fach-) Journalismus und studiert nebenberuflich History and Creative Writing an der Open University. Ausserdem arbeitet sie an einem historischen Roman und mehr.

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